
170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830

Greenwich Non-Compete Agreement Attorneys

Greenwich Non-Compete or Confidentiality Agreement Lawyer

Connecticut Breach of Non-Compete or Confidentiality Agreement Lawyers

In today's competitive business environment, non-compete and confidentiality agreements are becoming increasingly common in almost every field of employment. If you are an employer seeking assistance in drafting and/or enforcing agreements of this nature, or if you are an employee seeking guidance regarding an agreement which you have signed, it is a good idea to contact an experienced Greenwich and New York City breach of non-compete and confidentiality lawyer from Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC. We can help you protect your interests while advancing your professional life.

The Purpose of a Non-Compete Agreement

Employers often ask employees to sign non-compete agreements in order to protect their business. These agreements prohibit an employee from going into business against their former employer (or going to work for a competitor) within a specific geographic region and for a specific period of time. Employers do this because they invest multiple resources into training and development of an employee, and they also expose employees to their client base and to sensitive company information. An employee could potentially use the knowledge they have gained in a way that is detrimental to their former employer. This might include starting their own business and/or taking former clients with them to a new company.

Confidentiality Agreements

The purpose of a confidentiality agreement is very similar to the purpose of a non-compete agreement from an employer's perspective. It provides employers with protection of their proprietary information and their intellectual property.

What Happens If an Agreement Is Breached?

There are many reasons why an employment agreement might be breached—perhaps the employee is finding it extremely difficult to find new employment without working in their former field, or perhaps they are unaware of the exact scope of the information which was protected under the confidentiality agreement. Employers have the right to sue former employees for breach of contract, seeking damages for the sharing of confidential information or the violation of a non-compete agreement. Former employees might be able to challenge the validity of an agreement if it is too broad in scope or if it is otherwise unfair.

Whether you are an employer who is attempting to enforce these types of agreements or an employee who is unsure of the best way to proceed after signing one, it is in your best interest to seek guidance from an employment lawyer with experience in breach of non-compete and confidentiality agreements. As each situation is unique, speaking with an attorney about the specifics of your situation will allow you to fully understand your options and select the best course of action for your set of circumstances.

Contact us to schedule an appointment with an attorney with extensive experience in both non-compete and confidentiality agreements from Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC. Our team includes attorneys licensed in both New York and Connecticut, and we serve clients throughout those states, including Greenwich, Stamford, Westport, Harrison, Larchmont, White Plains, and Bronxville.

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