170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830
Westport Employee Contracts Lawyers

Fairfield County and Westchester County Severance Agreement Attorneys
When you are preparing to start new employment or getting ready to end your time at your current position, you may be offered an employee contract or a severance agreement. In many cases, these documents may initially appear straightforward, and you may be tempted to sign them without a second thought. However, it is good practice to contact a knowledgeable attorney with experience in Connecticut and New York employee contracts and severance agreements. Your attorney will be able to help you negotiate an agreement that will put you in the best possible position, allowing you to move forward in your professional life.
Why You Need a Knowledgeable Contract Attorney
There are many reasons why consulting with an attorney before you sign either of these agreements is in your best interests. A few factors which you should consider include:
- Clear guidelines for solving issues that arise at work. When reviewing an employee contract, you may want to ensure that you fully understand your responsibilities and obligations. You may also want to have a course of action if issues or disputes arise. An experienced employee contract attorney can help you establish these things.
- Considerations for future employment. Your severance agreement attorney may be able to negotiate terms that ensure your current employer will provide you with positive references when you are ready to search for a new job.
- Full compensation. You may be entitled to more compensation than what is being offered by your employer, even if the amount being extended is the figure that was agreed upon in your employee contract. Perhaps you have accrued unused vacation time or expenses that need to be reimbursed - a capable attorney will ensure that you are fully compensated in a timely fashion.
- Full understanding of any non-compete agreements and confidentiality agreements. It is very important to understand the restrictions which you are agreeing to, as they may not only impact your future earning ability, but they might also affect your ability to communicate with family members or with former co-workers.
When you work with a Connecticut severance agreement attorney from Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC, you will be able to draw upon our firm's half century of experience to ensure that your rights are protected and that you fully understand your options. We can help you to negotiate the best possible scenario for your current and future employment considerations.
Before you sign an employee contract or severance agreement in Connecticut or New York, contact us to schedule an appointment with an attorney from Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC. Our legal professionals include lawyers who are licensed in both New York and Connecticut, and we serve clients throughout those states, including Greenwich, Stamford, Westport, and other communities throughout Fairfield and Westchester Counties. With over sixty years of experience, we can provide the level of service and knowledge you need when dealing with issues of this importance and magnitude.