
170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830

Stephen G. Walko would seek the Republican nomination for State Representative

Attorney Stephen G. Walko announced on Feb. 23, 2012 that he would seek the Republican nomination for State Representative from Connecticut's 150th District. The 150th District consists of Greenwich's shoreline from Stamford to the New York state border. The position is currently held by the Honorable Lile Gibbons who announced that she is not seeking re-election. Mr. Walko served 11 years on the Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET), the last four as Chairman. He stepped down January 1, 2012. During his tenure on the BET he distinguished himself as a fiscal conservative. He worked diligently and successfully to manage the Town's finances which are widely recognized as being among the best managed in the country as evidenced by the Town's consistent and recently renewed Triple A credit rating.

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