170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830
- Home
- About Us
- Attorneys
- Michael J. Allen
- Donna Castronovo
- Edward D. Cosden
- Andrea M. Fraleigh
- Nathan Graf
- Sean M. Hamill
- Juerg A. Heim
- Vicki K. Johnson
- Michael J. Jones
- Gabriella G. Kiniry
- Melissa T. Klauberg
- Christopher A. Kristoff
- Marlene E. Macauda
- Lauren J. McCallion
- Jennifer D. Port
- Karla P. Ray
- Kyler C. Rowley
- Andrea C. Sisca
- Steven B. Steinmetz
- Ryan S. Tougias
- Elaine Vlahakis
- Stephen G. Walko
- Tom S. Ward, Jr.
- Practice Areas
- Real Estate
- Commercial Real Estate
- Personal Injury
- Wrongful Death
- Car Accidents
- Injuries Caused by Drunk Drivers
- Truck Accidents
- Rideshare Accidents
- Catastrophic Injuries
- Premises Liability
- Construction Site
- Homicide and Assault Victims
- Motorcycle
- Bus, Plane and Train Accidents
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Burns
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents
- Bicycle Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
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Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC Joins The CBA 100% Club
November 2016 - The 100% Club is a special category of the Connecticut Bar Association membership that signifies a commitment to the advancement of the legal profession and the betterment of the Connecticut community.
Law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies, and law school faculty can attain the 100% Club status by enrolling 100% of their members in the Connecticut Bar Association within a fiscal year.
Practice Areas
- Real Estate
- Commercial Real Estate
- Personal Injury
- Wrongful Death
- Car Accidents
- Injuries Caused by Drunk Drivers
- Truck Accidents
- Rideshare Accidents
- Catastrophic Injuries
- Premises Liability
- Construction Site
- Homicide and Assault Victims
- Motorcycle
- Bus, Plane and Train Accidents
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Burns
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents
- Bicycle Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
- FAQs
- News
- Case Results
- Cases
- Testimonials
- Trust & Estate Planning
- Litigation
- Corporate
- Franchise
- Employment Law

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