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4 Most Common Ways Drivers Hit Pedestrians

 Posted on November 08, 2023 in Personal Injury

Untitled---2023-11-08T155826.819.jpgPedestrian accidents can be especially ugly, because pedestrians rarely have any real protection against the impact. While the driver is nearly always unhurt after hitting a pedestrian, the pedestrian is very likely to suffer severe injuries. Many pedestrians sustain lifelong injuries that can change the courses of their lives. Some will need to give up their career as a result. Others will have decades of medical bills. The need for compensation can be overwhelming for these plaintiffs. One of the things your attorney must prove in order to show that the driver owes the pedestrian compensation is what the driver did wrong. This means that attorneys are often very familiar with the types of careless mistakes drivers make to cause these often-devastating collisions. If you are hit by a car, you should urgently seek skilled legal representation. 

How Careless Drivers Cause Pedestrian Accidents

Unsafe drivers are one of the greatest dangers to pedestrians, especially in major metropolitan areas where there is a lot of foot traffic and a lot of vehicle traffic in the same areas. Some of the most common causes of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians include: 

  • Road rage - Road rage is very common in highly congested traffic areas. Unfortunately, drivers who are angry at another driver are more likely to make abrupt maneuvers, ignore traffic lights, or fail to spot a pedestrian. 

  • Distracted driving - A driver who is looking down at their phone may or may not spot another vehicle in their peripheral vision, but are less likely to notice a pedestrian. It takes only a moment of distraction for a driver to not notice that pedestrians are crossing. 

  • Failing to yield - Drivers are generally required to yield to pedestrians who are in a marked crosswalk or who have the “cross” sign at a light-controlled intersection. Drivers who fail to yield - often because they are turning right on green - run the risk of hitting a pedestrian who is supposed to be in the street. 

  • Career driver fatigue - In cities, a fairly large percentage of the people driving at any given time are being paid to drive. They are delivering food or packages, or they are transporting people for a fee. People who drive for work are more prone to experiencing fatigue. Fatigue can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. 

It is important to contact an attorney as soon as you can do so safely after a pedestrian accident. 

Contact a Greenwich, CT, Pedestrian Accident Attorney

Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC is committed to helping pedestrians who have been hit by careless drivers recover compensation. Our highly experienced New York Metropolitan Area pedestrian accident lawyers will do all we can to help you recover the money you deserve. Contact us at 203-661-6000 to begin with a complimentary consultation.

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