170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830
5 Common Types of Driver Negligence That Lead to Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists face significant risks when they use the roads. Without the protection provided by the structure of a passenger vehicle or safety features such as seat belts and airbags, a person can be seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. A motorcyclist can suffer serious harm when their body is struck by a car or truck, and they may also be thrown from their motorcycle and suffer additional injuries when they hit the ground or other objects on or near the road. A motorcyclist may suffer additional injuries if they are thrown into the path of other vehicles, and being run over by a car or truck can result in permanent disabilities or wrongful death. In many cases, motorcycle accidents are caused by the negligence of other drivers, and victims can work with an attorney to pursue financial compensation from those who were responsible for their injuries.
Motorcycle Crashes Caused by Driver Negligence
All drivers are required to abide by traffic laws and take the proper measures to protect other people’s safety. Some of the most common ways drivers can act negligently and cause injuries to motorcyclists include:
Distracted driving - Even though Connecticut drivers are prohibited from using cell phones or other electronic devices while driving, many choose to text while driving or make phone calls with handheld devices. Any attempt by a driver to divide their attention between driving and other activities can cause them to miss important details and be unable to react in time to avoid colliding with a motorcycle.
Drunk driving - Operating a vehicle while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol is incredibly dangerous, since these substances can affect a driver’s judgment, coordination, reaction times, and vision. Intoxicated driving can result in serious criminal consequences, and it is likely to cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle and injure a motorcyclist.
Speeding - Drivers who exceed the speed limit will take longer to slow down and stop if a motorcycle slows down in front of them, or they may be unable to react in time to avoid a motorcyclist who enters the road, makes a legal turn, or crosses through an intersection.
Tailgating - A person should always leave enough room between their vehicle and other vehicles in front of them to ensure that they have time to slow down if necessary. Drivers who follow too closely behind motorcycles are more likely to cause rear-end collisions that can cause serious injuries.
Illegal turns - Many collisions occur at intersections when drivers make turns without checking to make sure the road is clear. A driver may make an illegal left turn against a traffic signal and strike a motorcyclist traveling in the opposite direction, or they may make a right turn in front of a motorcycle, causing the motorcyclist to be unable to avoid a collision with the vehicle.
Contact Our Connecticut Motorcycle Accident Attorneys
Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, and motorcyclists may require extensive medical treatment or experience temporary or permanent disabilities. The attorneys at Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC provide representation for injury victims, helping them pursue compensation for their injuries and any other damages they have suffered. If you have been injured by a negligent driver, contact our Greenwich motorcycle accident injury lawyers at 203-661-6000 to arrange a free consultation and learn how we can help with your case.