170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830
Can I Seek Compensation for a Slip and Fall Injury Due to Snow or Ice?
During the winter, people may be at risk of injury due to weather conditions. Following a snowstorm or cold snap, sidewalks and other outdoor walking surfaces can become very slippery, greatly increasing the chances that people will suffer injuries in slip and fall accidents. When these types of accidents occur, a person who was injured will want to understand their options for receiving compensation, including determining whether they can pursue a premises liability claim or lawsuit against a property owner who failed to ensure that walking surfaces were safe to use.
Pursuing Compensation for Slip and Fall Accidents
Because property owners are required to make sure their premises are safe for visitors who are allowed to enter the property, they may be liable for injuries that took place because they did not properly address hazards. A property owner may be considered negligent if they did not take measures to remove snow and ice from walking surfaces, including sidewalks, parking lots, or other areas where visitors may be expected to walk.
In many cases, a victim’s ability to pursue compensation for a slip and fall accident will be based on whether a property owner followed the local ordinances requiring them to remove snow and ice. In Greenwich, Connecticut, property owners, tenants, or occupants are required to clear sidewalks within 18 hours after snowfall or the accumulation of ice, and they must also spread sand or salt on sidewalks to ensure that they are safe to use. In New York City, snow and ice must be cleared from sidewalks adjacent to a building within a certain amount of time after snow stops falling. Sidewalks must be cleared within four hours if snow stopped falling between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm. If snow stopped falling in the evening or during the night, sidewalks must be cleared within 14 hours or before 11:00 am the next day.
Slip and fall accidents that are caused by snow and ice can lead to multiple types of serious injuries. A person may experience broken bones or dislocated joints due to their fall and the impact with the ground. Traumatic brain injuries can also occur if a person suffers a blow to the head when falling, or spinal cord injuries may result in paralysis, chronic pain, or other ongoing health issues. To ensure that they can receive medical treatment and address the ways these injuries have affected them, victims can pursue financial compensation from property owners or tenants who failed to ensure that sidewalks or other areas were safe to use.
Contact Our NYC Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers
If you have suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident that was caused by snow or ice, Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC can help you determine whether a property owner may be held liable for your damages. We will work to gather evidence establishing that the property owner failed to meet their requirements for clearing snow and ice, and we will provide you with representation to ensure that you will be fully compensated for your injuries and damages. Contact our Greenwich slip and fall injury attorneys at 203-661-6000 to set up a free consultation today.