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Do Pregnant Women Get More Compensation for Car Crashes?

 Posted on March 14, 2025 in Personal Injury

Greenwich, CT car crash injury attorneyThe New York City Police Department releases monthly reports for motor vehicle collisions. In January 2025, 6,355 crashes were reported citywide. In those accidents, 3,495 people sustained injuries, and 14 people died. There is a good chance that some of those accident victims were pregnant women.

Pregnant mothers may wonder if their unborn children were affected by the crash and how much compensation they could receive through a car accident claim. It is very important to visit a doctor to find out if the crash hurt the fetus, even if you think your baby may be okay. An experienced Metro New York car accident lawyer can determine how much your case is worth and talk to you about what to do next.

What Happens to a Fetus in a Car Accident?

The mother’s womb protects an unborn child against many kinds of harm, but it cannot always provide adequate protection in a car crash. Seatbelts should tighten across the mother’s abdomen during impact and airbags might deploy, both of which can directly injure the baby. Brain injuries are common. Injuries sustained by the mother can also cause severe consequences for a fetus:

  • The impact forces in a crash can cause placental abruption, endangering the pregnancy.

  • The trauma of a collision can bring on premature labor; depending on the stage of pregnancy, the baby could die or need prolonged treatment in a neonatal intensive care department.

  • Medications that are necessary to treat the mother can endanger a fetus.

  • The mother’s body may miscarry the child.

When the harm caused to the mother or child results from someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

Can Pregnant Mothers Hurt in a Car Crash Get Compensation?

The damages you could receive depend on the extent of your losses and are determined on a case-by-case basis. Your attorney knows how to calculate your damages accurately and will pursue the maximum amount available.

Pregnant women who are injured in collisions may be put on bedrest until their babies are born, potentially eliminating the income the mother could have earned. These pregnancies could be designated as high risk, meaning increased medical supervision and the expenses that go along with it.

Babies who have experienced trauma through their mothers’ car accidents may have permanent medical conditions, requiring life-long medical care, adaptive technologies, and assistance taking care of their daily needs, even as adults.

The financial costs of these accidents can be staggering, but they can pale in comparison to the emotional and mental anguish of knowing that someone else’s careless action harmed your unborn child. Along with reimbursement for your current and future financial losses, you could also recover compensation for intangible losses like depression, loss of the enjoyment of life, and pain and suffering.

Insurance companies do not like paying claims. They will probably attempt to get away with offering you an unreasonably low settlement amount. Your attorney’s advocacy in these cases is invaluable because we will not let an insurer take advantage of you.

Call Our Dedicated Greenwich, CT Car Accident Attorneys Today

If a car accident harmed you or your unborn child, you do not have to fight the insurance company alone. You can trust any of the skilled New York Metro area personal injury lawyers at Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC to protect your best interests. Call 203-661-6000 or contact us online now to request your free case review.

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