
170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830

Holding Hit and Run Drivers Accountable

 Posted on February 03, 2022 in Car Accidents

Metro NY hit and run crash lawyerBy law, when a crash or collision occurs involving a motor vehicle, all drivers are required to pull over immediately at the crash site, notify law enforcement, and exchange information with other drivers. Unfortunately, there are some drivers who flee the scene. If you have been injured in a hit and run accident, you may think that there will be no way to pursue damages for losses you have, however, there are steps you can take to help hold the driver accountable. 

Hit and Run Accidents

According to the national statistics, there are almost 750,000 hit and run accidents that occur every year in the United States. This averages out to a hit and run accident every 43 seconds, and the number keeps increasing each year. These accidents are responsible for the deaths of over 2,000 victims, as well as leaving thousands of more victims injured.

These accidents also cause serious property damages and injuries for thousands of other motorists, whether in parking lots and on residential streets, or on state roads and highways. Traffic safety experts speculate that illegal activity on the part of the at fault driver may be part of the reason why they leave the scene. This includes:

  • Drivers without a license or insurance
  • Those with outstanding warrants
  • Having illegal drugs or weapons in the vehicle
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances

Panic over an accident may cause a driver to attempt to evade responsibility, but there are several tools that can help identify and track down the vehicle involved. 

Identifying Hit and Run Drivers

When a hit and run accident occurs, either involving a pedestrian or another driver, taking the proper steps immediately after can increase the likelihood of catching the culprit. This includes:

  • Notifying law enforcement immediately
  • Making note of the vehicle make, model, and year, the license plate, and the direction the vehicle was traveling
  • Making note of the exact time, date, and place where the hit and run accident occurred
  • Identifying and getting contact information for any witnesses at the scene

A description of the vehicle may be dispatched to all law enforcement, and local automotive repair shops can be alerted to be on the lookout for the subject. Video recordings and photos from traffic cameras and security monitors at nearby businesses can also help further identify the driver, as can publicizing the event in the community.

Contact a Metro New York Car Accident Attorney

If you have injured in a hit and run accident, call Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC at 203-661-6000 right away. We can schedule a free consultation with one of our dedicated Greenwich, CT hit and run accident attorneys to discuss the types of compensation you may be entitled to and to gather the details needed to begin immediately working on your case.




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