
170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830

Tips for Avoiding Bicycle Accidents and Injuries

 Posted on July 19, 2022 in Personal Injury

Greenwich bike accident lawyerWhether you ride for exercise, commuting, running errands, or all these reasons, bicycling can be a great, healthy form of transportation. While the infrastructure for bicycling has grown in the past few decades, bicyclists remain vulnerable users of the transportation system. Unfortunately, when a bicyclist has an accident with a motor vehicle, there is a high likelihood of serious injuries and even death. Working with an experienced bicycle crash injury attorney can help you recover compensation from an accident.

Getting There Safely on a Bicycle

Injuries sustained by riders in a bicycle accident can be severe, including broken bones, head injuries, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and other catastrophic injuries. As a victim of a bicycle crash, you may be entitled to compensation. In many cases, the bicycle rider will not be at fault, but will still suffer the pain of injuries sustained in the crash.

Here are some tips to ride safely and avoid accidents:

  • Ride defensively - Though bicyclists are users of the road just like cars, trucks, and other vehicles, you should ride as though they do not know you are there. If you cannot see the vehicle’s driver, they cannot see you. Be especially cautious around buses and trucks, which have larger blind spots than cars.
  • Be seen at intersections – Many accidents occur at intersections, so use extra caution and watch for turning vehicles. When possible, pull slightly in front of stopped vehicles so that they know you are there.  
  • Obey traffic control devices – Just like motor vehicles, bicycles must stop at all red lights and stop signs.
  • Wear a helmet – Concussions, lacerations, and other head injuries are among the most common for bicycle riders involved in an accident.
  • Avoid distractions – Make sure you are paying attention to your surroundings and keeping your eyes on the road or path. If you have headphones, do not wear them in more than one ear while riding.
  • Stay visible - Wear brightly colored clothing, especially if riding at night. Make sure you have a white light on the front of your bike, a red light on the back, and appropriate reflectors.

Do not forget to look out for other road users as well. Just as bicycles are vulnerable to motor vehicles, pedestrians can be injured in an accident with a bicycle. Take special care around children, the elderly, and seeing impaired pedestrians with guide dogs or white and red canes.  

Metro New York Bicycle Accident Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, the Greenwich personal injury lawyers at Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC can help. In Connecticut and throughout Metro New York, give us a call at 203-661-6000 to schedule your free consultation.




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