170 Mason Street, Greenwich, CT 06830
What Are Catastrophic Injuries?
A majority of people who sustain injuries in a motor vehicle accident will ultimately make a full recovery. This cannot be said for those who suffer catastrophic injuries, which have permanent and life-altering effects. Catastrophic injuries include things like traumatic brain injuries, lost limbs, and spinal cord injuries. In many cases, a catastrophic injury leaves the sufferer permanently disabled to some degree. If you have suffered an injury that prevents you from returning to your job or responsibilities, or leaves you in need of lasting disability accommodations, you can likely consider your injury catastrophic. If you have suffered this type of grave injury, it is important to seek the help of a Greenwich, CT, personal injury attorney when pursuing damages. You may be entitled to substantial compensation.
Types of Catastrophic Injuries
While almost any life-changing injury can be considered catastrophic, there are a few common categories of catastrophic injuries. Types of catastrophic injuries include:
Brain damage - Traumatic brain injuries can alter a person’s cognition, personality, intellect, and more. Some sufferers will require lifelong care and may even need to move into a skilled nursing facility. If your brain has been permanently damaged and the injury affects what you can do in your day-to-day life, you likely have a catastrophic injury.
Loss of limb - Losing an arm or a leg, or a part thereof, is a permanent injury that will impact you for the rest of your life. Depending on the type of work you do, you might not be able to continue working in your current position. If you did any type of work that required use of the limb you lost, you could be entitled to compensation for your lost wages.
Spinal cord injuries - Spinal cord injuries frequently result in partial or total paralysis. Even when they do not, the sufferer is often left with severe chronic pain and may need multiple surgeries. You may need a home health aid to perform your personal care as well as assistance with other activities of daily living, like preparing meals and traveling to doctor appointments.
Eye injuries - An injury to your eyes that results in total or partial blindness is likely to impact nearly every aspect of your life. While many blind people can live independently, you will likely require quite a bit of help as you adapt.
Each of these types of injuries can have a permanent impact on how you live your life.
Contact a Greenwich, CT Catastrophic Injuries Attorney
Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC is skilled in helping people who have suffered catastrophic injuries recover the compensation they need to rebuild their lives and adjust to new challenges. Our dedicated team of Metro New York Area personal injury lawyers will do all we can to ensure that you receive everything you are owed. Contact us at 203-661-6000 for a complimentary consultation.