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What If My Injuries Present Later?

 Posted on March 14, 2017 in Personal Injury

Car accidents can be traumatic for anyone. Adrenaline runs high, and you might not notice an injury until much later, after your body and your adrenal system has calmed down. Likewise, even small fender benders can cause injuries, such as whiplash, which may not manifest until much later. If the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, what do you do if you don’t discover an injury until much later?

The first thing you should do is see a doctor for treatment. Even if you don’t notice until much later, you need to take care of the problem as soon as you become aware of it. Taking action to solve your medical problem might be the evidence an insurance company needs to prove you’re not just faking an injury to get paid. Doctor’s don’t treat symptoms that aren’t there. If you’re getting treatment, such as physical therapy or medication, this will be helpful in a court oflaw to prove you sought help as soon as you realized you had a problem.

If you try and file a claim, any insurance company will investigate why you had such a long delay between your accident and your treatment. Make sure to explain to your doctor that you were injured in an accident, and he or she may give testimony that some injuries don’t manifest right away. However, if an insurance company denies your claim on the basis that your injury wasn’t severe enough to require immediate treatment,you may need to hire an experienced Greenwich personal injury attorney.

A good personal injury lawyer will understand the ins and outs of workingagainst insurance companies, which never want to give up money they don’t have to. Let a skilled attorney help you win compensation for the damage done to you. Talk to one of our experienced advocates about your casein a free case consultation. We have more than 30 years of legal experienceto offer your case, and our firm has built a reputation for being meticulous,zealous, and tenacious legal representatives. Trust us to handle your situation. Call us at 203-661-6000 or fill out our online form to tell us about your situation. We are available 24 hours a day.

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