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Who is Liable for Waterpark Injuries?

 Posted on August 04, 2017 in Personal Injury

During the summertime, waterparks are an effective and fun way to beat the heat. However, they can also leave you with serious injuries.

Whether it is a slip-and-fall accident or a drowning, injuries and illnesses can occur at waterparks. So if you do suffer an injury at a waterpark,who can potentially be to blame?

The following are the common liable parties in waterpark injuries:

  • Waterpark Owner - Similar to amusement parks, waterparks are required to provide a reasonable duty of care to their visitors. If an accident was caused by a defect or negligence, the waterpark owner may be held liable for the injuries caused.
  • Waterpark Workers - Waterparks employ lifeguards, ride operators, food vendors, and maintenance workers, all of whom could potentially cause you to suffer an injury. While the waterpark could be held liable for an employee’s negligent actions if he or she was within his or her scope of work, an injured party can hold the employee liable for injuries caused by reckless, willful, or malicious acts of employees that were outside the scope of their employment.
  • You - Many waterparks require their visitors to sign a release of liability, preventing you from suing a waterpark and its employees for injuries or deaths which happen while at the park.

If you have suffered an injury at a waterpark in New York, request a free consultation with our Greenwich personal injury attorneys at Ivey, Barnum & O'Mara, LLC today.

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