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How Often Are Car Accidents Caused by Self-Driving Cars?

 Posted on July 13, 2023 in Car Accidents

Greenwich Car Accident LawyersAdvances in technology have been revolutionizing the automotive industry in recent years. This technology includes cars that provide driver assistance, which can range from limited forms of automation to vehicles that fully operate on their own. While some people have embraced this technology with open arms, others remain skeptical about its effectiveness and whether it is truly safe. While these systems are meant to improve roadway safety, recent studies have shown that self-driving cars have been involved in a significant number of car accidents.

Problems With Autopilot and Self-Driving Technology

Self-driving cars have some advantages when compared to other types of vehicles. They are equipped with cameras and sensors that help them detect and avoid potential hazards. The computer systems that operate these vehicles are meant to follow traffic signs and signals, detect the movements of other vehicles, and avoid collisions by slowing down or stopping in response to vehicles, pedestrians, motorcycles, or obstacles in the road. However, despite the ongoing advances in technology, self-driving cars are not entirely safe, and accidents happen more often than many people realize.

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What Are Reasonable Restrictions in Non-Compete Agreements?

 Posted on June 29, 2023 in Business Law

Greenwich Business LawyerIn today's competitive economy, businesses often need to take steps to protect their interests and prevent unfair competition. Non-compete agreements are one tool that can benefit employers. These restrictive covenants may be used in employment contracts or severance agreements, and they can make sure an employee will not be able to take actions that could negatively affect an employer. While non-compete agreements can protect an employer's confidential information and trade secrets, they can also limit employees' ability to work in their chosen fields. To ensure that these types of agreements will be enforceable, employers will need to understand what types of reasonable restrictions they may place on employees.

Enforceability of Non-Compete Agreements

A non-compete agreement may prevent an employee from working for an employer's direct competitors or from starting their own business that would compete with the employer. These restrictions may be necessary to ensure that an employee will not use the information they have learned about an employer's operations and business practices to engage in unfair competition. A non-compete agreement can prevent trade secrets from being shared with competitors while also ensuring that the investments an employer made in training an employee will not be in vain.

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Are Minorities More Likely to Be Injured or Killed in Pedestrian Accidents?

 Posted on June 08, 2023 in Personal Injury

Metro New York Car Crash Injury LawyerOn our nation's roads, people on foot face serious risks of being hit by vehicles. Pedestrian accidents can be devastating, and they are likely to result in serious or fatal injuries for those who are struck by negligent drivers. Alarmingly, the number of fatal pedestrian accidents has risen significantly in recent years. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), pedestrian deaths reached a 40-year high in 2021, with nearly 7,500 people on foot being killed in car accidents. In the first half of 2022, an average of 19 pedestrians were killed every day.

While these statistics are troubling, trends also indicate that Black and Hispanic people are much more likely to be killed in pedestrian accidents than white people. Studies have found that Black people are more than twice as likely to be hit by vehicles and suffer fatal injuries while walking, while Hispanic people are 1.5 times as likely to be involved in fatal pedestrian accidents. There are a number of reasons for these disparities, and people who are injured in pedestrian accidents or family members of those who were killed after being hit by vehicles will need to understand their options for pursuing compensation for their damages.

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What Are the Advantages of Establishing a Limited Liability Company?

 Posted on May 30, 2023 in Business Law

Metro New York Business LawyerAs a business owner, you have a lot on your plate as you deal with issues related to the management of your company, your relationships with your employees, your plans for growth and expansion, and other day-to-day concerns. As you deal with ongoing issues, legal concerns can often fall by the wayside. However, it can be very important to make sure your business is structured correctly, and by taking the right steps during the business formation process, you can avoid serious issues down the line. One of the most popular choices for structuring a business is to establish a Limited Liability Company (LLC). By understanding the benefits that LLCs can provide, you can determine whether this option is right for your business.

Benefits of LLCs

There are numerous reasons why an LLC may be the ideal structure for your business, including:

  • Asset protection: One of the biggest advantages of establishing an LLC is that it protects against the loss of your personal assets in the event of a lawsuit or bankruptcy. If your company experiences significant debts or financial problems, your personal assets, including your home, financial savings, or vehicles, will not be at risk. The LLC is considered a separate entity from you, the owner, or any partners or investors. This protection can be invaluable in situations where you are looking to avoid losses that could affect you and your family.

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How Can Back and Spine Injuries Affect a Person’s Well-Being?

 Posted on May 09, 2023 in Personal Injury

Greenwich Spinal Cord Injury LawyerInjuries that affect the back and spine are among the most debilitating forms of bodily harm one can suffer. These injuries can impact a person's physical health, and they can also affect their mental, emotional, and financial well-being. Back injuries can vary in nature and severity, ranging from minor strains to serious and life-threatening fractures or spinal cord injuries. When these catastrophic injuries are caused by other parties, such as a negligent driver who was responsible for a car accident that resulted in a severed spinal cord, an injury victim will need to determine their options for pursuing compensation that will allow them to recover as much as possible and address their ongoing needs.

Effects of Back and Spinal Cord Injuries

A person's back may be seriously injured in a fall, a motor vehicle collision, or other dangerous situations. Multiple parts of the back may be affected, including the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, as well as the vertebrae in the spine and the nerves in the spinal cord. These injuries may result in multiple types of bodily harm, including:

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Four Tips for Anyone Thinking of Buying a Franchise

 Posted on April 19, 2023 in Business Law

Greenwich Franchise LawyerWhen compared to starting a business from scratch, there are many advantages to buying a franchise. When you purchase a franchise, you benefit from having an established brand, systemized policies and procedures, and ongoing help from the parent company. Franchise owners are limited when it comes to the changes they can make to the business, but this is often the ideal situation for new business owners or those who want to reduce risk.

However, buying a franchise is not entirely risk-free and it is important to be mindful of concerns such as upfront capital requirements, competition, market conditions, and franchise fees.

Choose the Right Franchise for the Area

When choosing a franchise, it is obviously important to select a company that is growing and has a history of success. However, many people make the mistake of not considering the specific area in which they plan to open a franchise. Are there customers who will want to patronize the business in your area? Is the business accessible by foot or public transportation for those individuals who do not own a car? Are there competitors nearby? Make sure to consider how the unique needs of the neighborhood Influence the potential success of a new franchise.

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What is the Purpose of Filing a Personal Injury Claim After a Violent Assault?

 Posted on April 12, 2023 in Personal Injury

Greenwich Personal Injury LawyerBeing the victim of a violent crime is something that changes a person's life forever. The trauma of the experience lasts long after physical injuries have healed. When someone is the victim of an assault or other act of violence, they may assume that their only course of action is to call the police and hope that the person faces criminal charges for his or her actions. However, there is another legal avenue to consider after an assault.

A personal injury claim may be a means of pursuing justice for an attack and recovering financial compensation for damages such as medical bills.

Financial Compensation for Damages

Physical attacks can cause injuries ranging from bruises and scrapes to severe traumatic brain injuries. Victims may require hospitalization, surgery, ongoing doctor's visits, and mental health treatment. These medical needs can represent an enormous financial burden. The victim may also have needed to miss work while recovering or may struggle to go back to work after the attack. A personal injury claim is a means of pursuing compensation for these financial losses.

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What Do People Not Understand About Probate, and Is the Process Really That Bad? 

 Posted on March 22, 2023 in Estate Planning

greenwich probate lawyer Probate is a legal process that occurs after someone passes away. The process involves the court verifying the validity of the estate planning documents and overseeing the distribution of the deceased person’s assets. Unfortunately, there are so many misconceptions regarding probate that it can be hard to pinpoint where exactly to begin when addressing them. For example, many believe probate ought to be avoided at all costs, which is inaccurate. In reality, probate is not always as bad as it may seem. 

Today, we will address and debunk the most common misconceptions regarding probate. Keep in mind that estate planning, in general, can be a complex process. The process can be made simpler by hiring an estate planning attorney to help ensure you complete your estate planning goals lawfully and successfully.

Debunking the Myths Regarding Probate 

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What to Do and Not Do After Getting into a Car Accident

 Posted on March 03, 2023 in Personal Injury

new york car accident lawyer Car accidents can be traumatic experiences that leave people shaken, confused, and unsure of what to do next. However, knowing what to do and not do after getting into a car accident can make all the difference in ensuring you are protected legally, physically, and financially. Today, we will discuss what you should do and not do after getting into a car accident.If you are ever in a car accident, contact a personal injury to ensure you fully understand your legal options during this difficult time. 

What to Do After a Car Accident

Here are a few examples of what you ought to do after a car accident, including:

  • Call for medical help – If you are injured or unsure if anyone is injured, call emergency services immediately. It is essential to prioritize medical attention for anyone who is hurt. Also, remember that not all injuries manifest themselves in obvious ways. As a result, even if you do not think you are injured, contact emergency services if you are involved in a serious accident.

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Filing a Wrongful Death Claim After a Fatal Car Accident in New York

 Posted on February 28, 2023 in Personal Injury

greenwich wrongful death lawyerEvery year, thousands of families are left to grieve after losing a loved one in a car accident. In such cases, families need to understand their rights and options, including how to file a wrongful death claim. As you may be aware, the purpose of a wrongful death lawsuit is to seek justice and financial compensation for the damages caused by the death. Today, we will discuss what is most important to know regarding filing a wrongful death claim in New York. If you are interested in filing a wrongful death claim, consider contacting an experienced personal injury attorney to learn about your legal options.

What is New York’s Definition of Wrongful Death?

In New York, wrongful death is defined as a death caused by another person’s negligence or unlawful act. A party can be held liable for the death if it can be proven that the party was careless, reckless, or intentionally intended to cause harm.

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