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Setting Up a Power of Attorney for a Loved One
As people grow older, they may face various challenges and legal issues related to healthcare, finances, and end-of-life planning. Many seniors face physical and cognitive declines that impact their ability to make decisions for themselves. In these situations, a power of attorney can be a valuable tool for protecting the senior’s wishes and interests.
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows an individual to grant someone else the authority to act on their behalf in a legal or business matter. The person granting the authority is known as the “principal,” while the person who is granted the authority is referred to as the “agent.” A power of attorney can be an important way for seniors to maintain control over their affairs and ensure that their wishes are respected, even if they cannot make decisions for themselves. Today, we will look at what is most important regarding elder law and power of attorney. If you are an older adult and are interested in how elder law may be able to impact your life positively, or you are someone who has a loved one you believe could benefit from what elder law can provide, contact a knowledgeable estate planning attorney well-versed in elder law, so that you or your loved one can enjoy their golden years in peace and relaxation, without having to worry about not having their affairs in order in case of the expected or unexpected.
What to Know About Selling a Home in Fairfield County
There are few more beautiful places to live in the northeast region of the United States than in Fairfield County. However, life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. Whether it be a new job opportunity somewhere else or whatever the case may be, there may come a time when selling your home in Fairfield County may become necessary as you pursue exciting new opportunities. There are many steps when it comes to selling a house that can complicate the process significantly. If you want to sell your home in Fairfield County, contacting knowledgeable real estate can help make the process as seamless as possible.
What Happens When Sellers Are Also Buyers?
It is not uncommon for people selling their house to be looking to buy a home simultaneously. Many people looking to sell their current house and buy a new one may feel inclined to sell their current house as quickly as possible. While this sentiment is somewhat understandable, grave mistakes can be made, and problems can arise when sellers rush to sell while they are also trying to buy. Rushing to sell your house can result in you accepting a lackluster price for your home or offering specific incentives to the buyer that you will later regret. This is why it is crucial to have knowledgeable real estate attorneys by your side as you look to buy and sell. Sometimes all people need is guidance, which is exactly what real estate attorneys can assist you with.
Tips for Driving Safe in a Snowstorm
Winter is here, and with it comes icy conditions and, of course, lots of snow. Operating a vehicle during a snowstorm can be treacherous and can easily result in a car accident. While it is undoubtedly best and safest to avoid driving in snowy conditions, sometimes it cannot be avoided. Luckily, one can take precautions before heading out and driving in a snowstorm to avoid getting into a car accident. If you have been involved in a car accident during a snowstorm or any other weather, consider contacting an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you pursue the compensation you may be entitled to.
Preventing Car Accidents Before They Occur
You cannot control other drivers’ behaviors while out on the road. You can only control your own. Here are some tips you can implement to drive cautiously and do your best to avoid getting into a car accident. These tips include the following:
What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?
Estate planning is an excellent way to help ensure that your family and loved ones are protected when the inevitable happens. An important area of estate planning pertains to wills and trusts. While it is likely you have heard of wills and trusts, there are still plenty of misconceptions about their use and their differences. This blog will delve deeper into what precisely a will and trust are. Furthermore, if you have any questions regarding estate planning, do not hesitate to contact an estate planning attorney who will ensure your rights remain protected and that the process is followed correctly.
What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?
The primary difference between wills and trusts is that wills go into effect once someone passes away. A will is a legal document that sets forth who will get what in the event of a death. In addition, a will names an executor tasked with carrying out the deceased's wishes. On the other hand, a trust is a legal arrangement that takes effect as soon as someone creates it. A trust allows a third party, also known as a trustee, to possess assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries.
Pursuing Compensation After Getting Injured in a Bicycle Accident in Westchester County
With the price of gas increasing by the day, many people choose bicycles as their primary form of transportation. It is easy to see why; with no gas to worry about and no negative impact on the environment, bikes are great ways to get around and even get yourself to work in some cases. However, bikes often share the road with motor vehicles. Unfortunately, this means that bike accidents are all too common and can have devastating results.
When two cars collide, airbags are deployed, and the structural integrity of the vehicles can protect the occupants inside the vehicles. Bike riders are not afforded this luxury. As a result, when a car hits a biker, the consequences can be horrific and even deadly. If you have been injured in a bike accident, do not hesitate to contact a knowledgeable attorney who can protect your rights and pursue the compensation you may be entitled to.
Common Causes of Bike Accidents
What to Know About Employee Contracts and Severance Agreements in the Metro New York Area
Whether you are starting a new role at a company or finishing time with your current employer, there is a good chance that you will be presented with an employee contract or severance agreement. Often, these papers may look deceivingly straightforward - so straightforward that you may feel inclined to sign the papers right then and there.
If you are presented with an employee contract or severance agreement, contact a knowledgeable New York metro area attorney with experience in employee contracts and severance agreements. Doing this will ensure that you know what you are signing and that whatever you are signing is in your best interest.
Why Hiring a Skillful Contract Attorney is Advisable
Notably, severance agreements refer to a contract an employee may be asked to sign when dismissed from a job. Contract terms will likely include pay and benefits the employee is entitled to once that employer no longer employs them. By hiring an attorney when you are presented with employee contracts or severance agreements, you will absolve yourself from hastily signing documents that, unbeknownst to you, may have a significant impact on your professional future. Other considerations you should include the following:
Pursuing Compensation After Being Injured by a Drunk Driver
When someone chooses to drink and drive, they are not only breaking the law but also endangering themselves and others around them. Unfortunately, according to the United States Department of Transportation, around 30 percent of all car accidents in the United States involve drunk drivers. Furthermore, in 2020, 11,654 of our fellow United States citizens were killed in drunk driving accidents.
These deaths are preventable, which makes them all the more tragic. If you have been injured by a drunk driver, consider consulting with an experienced attorney who is familiar with these cases and is prepared to defend you and your rights while pursuing the compensation you deserve.
What Does Compensation Cover in Drunk Driving Cases?
When you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, it is only right that the party responsible for your injuries helps cover the costs related to your injury. For example, in drunk driving cases, compensation can help pay for the following:
Taking Legal Action After a Pedestrian Accident Results in a Traumatic Brain Injury
While any injury can have painful, debilitating implications, traumatic brain injuries are often especially life-changing. TBIs are unique in that a serious injury to the brain often results in not only physical symptoms, but also psychological, cognitive, and emotional consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an individual who suffers a moderate or severe TBI is also much more likely to suffer from infection, pneumonia, and other illnesses and has a life expectancy nine years shorter than average.
If you or someone you care about suffered a traumatic brain injury in a pedestrian accident, it is important to take legal action to protect your rights. You may be able to hold the driver accountable for the harm he or she caused you or your loved one. You may also be entitled to financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.
Buying Your First Home? Be Vigilant for These Red Flags
Buying a home for the first time can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. There are seemingly countless factors to consider when selecting a home, and the home-buying process itself can be complicated and confusing. Unfortunately, some first-time buyers are so eager to move into the house of their dreams that they overlook major problems. They find themselves trapped in a situation that has turned from a dream into a nightmare.
If you are planning to buy a home for the first time, the importance of doing your homework cannot be overstated. Do not rush into anything. Remain vigilant for potential red flags that could indicate serious problems with the property or the home-buying process.
Red Flag #1: The Owner is Hesitant to Allow an Inspection
Having a home examined by an experienced professional home inspector is one of the most vital steps in the home-buying process. A qualified inspector will look for any and all potential problems with the property. If the owner of the property is hesitant to allow an inspection or insists you use an inspector of their own choosing, this is a major red flag.
Who Pays an Accident Victim’s Hospital Bills?
If you are injured in an accident, it is critical to obtain medical treatment right away. Even if you do not think you have been injured or those injuries are minor, it is not uncommon for accident victims to have delayed or even silent symptoms. By the time these symptoms present, the victim could be facing a medical crisis or even death.
Unfortunately, many accident victims hesitate to obtain medical treatment because of the exorbitant costs. Having health insurance is no guarantee of avoiding high medical bills because many insurance plans have high deductibles and/or co-pays. In fact, medical treatments are so high that medical bills are responsible for two-thirds of all bankruptcies filed in this country.
It is important for accident victims to realize, however, that under Connecticut and New York law, if your accident was caused by the negligence of another party, that party is legally liable for all the victim’s medical bills.